Neem and Ayurveda: Natural Solutions for Health and Beauty

Neem leaves benefits

Neem plays a central role in Ayurvedic medicine, featuring in many age-old treatments dating back about 5000 years. Called 'Neemba' in Sanskrit and Neem in English, this tree helps fix various health issues. It contains over 130 different active substances, giving it antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties.

Neem is highly effective in skincare, treating eczema, acne, and infections with its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It supports dental health by fighting germs, reducing plaque, and treating swollen gums. Consuming neem leaves boosts immunity, detoxifies the body, and regulates blood sugar levels. Boiled neem water can ease eye irritation, and neem flowers help treat belching, nausea, and intestinal worms. Additionally, neem serves as a natural pesticide in gardening, protecting plants without harmful chemicals. Incorporating neem into your daily routine can significantly enhance your health, making it a valuable addition to your natural health and beauty regimen.


निम्बस्तिक्तः कटुः पाके लघुः शीतोऽग्निवातकृत् । ग्राह्यहृद्यो जयेत् पित्तकफमेहज्वरकृमीन् ।। कुष्ठकासारुचिश्वासहृल्लासश्वयथुव्रणान् । 

Nimba in general is
Tikta - bitter
Katu pak - undergird pungent taste after digestion 
Laghu - light nature
Shita - imparts cooling properties to the body
Agni vata krita - improves digestive fire and Vata.
Grahi - moisture absorbing nature ( from intestines as well as wounds)
Hrdya - cardiac tonic
Jayet - conqueror of
Pitta & Kapha - balances Pitta and Kapha doshas
Meha - Diabetes Mellitus 
Jwara - Fever
Krumi - worm infestation 
Kustha - skin disorders 
Kasa - cough (with/without phlegm)
Aruchi - anorexia
Shwasa - Respiratory disorders 
Hrallasa - nausea
Shwayathu - inflammatory conditions 
Vrana - wound healing


ग्राहि प्रवाळं निम्बस्य रक्तपित्तकफकृमीन् ।। कुष्ठघ्नं वातजननं नेव्ररोगान् विनाशयेत् । तद्वत् पत्रणि निम्बस्य व्रणघ्नानि विशेषतः ।।


Neem leaves have the following properties:
Vinashyet: destroyer of
Raktapitta - bleeding disorders 
Kapha - balanaces kapha
Krumi - worm infestation 
Kusthaghna - skin disorder (abscess, etc.)
Vata janan netra roga - eye disorders due to Vata imbalance.
It has a special property - Vranaghna - Wound healing
शलाका निम्बपत्रस्य कासश्वासविनाशिनी ।
The bark of neem has similar properties as that of leaves such as kasa and shwasa vinasha.

Neem flower

Neem Flower


चक्षुष्यं निम्बपुष्पं च कृमिपित्तविषप्रणुत् । वातळं कटुपाकं स्यात् सर्वारोचकनाशनम् ॥

Chakshushya - beneficial for the eyes

Krumi, pitta,visha pranita - helpful in worm infestation, pitta imbalance and poisoning.

Vatalam - Vata predominant 

Katu paka - pungent taste after digestion 

Sarava arochaka nashanam - cures Anorexia irrespective of its cause of origin.

फलं तिक्तं रसे पाके कटुकं भेदनं लघु । अरूक्षमुष्णं कुष्ठघ्नं गुल्मार्शःकृमिमेहनुत् ।। 

Fruit of Neem:
Tikta rasa - Bitter taste
Katu paka - pungent after digestion 
Bhedana - eases bowel movement 
Laghu - light for digestion 
Aruksha - not dry
Ushna - hot potency 
Kusthaghna - helps to cure skin-related disorders 
Gulma - abdominal distention 
Arsha - haemorrhoids 
Krumi - internal and external worm infestation 
Meha - diabetes and associated urinary disorders

Nutrients found in Neem

Neem leaves are packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants. They have vitamin C, carotene, calcium, and other nutrients. This strong mix turns neem into a useful natural cure for many health problems. Neem packs a punch with nutrients and active compounds. It has many key nutrients such as Vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin E Minerals: Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium Plant chemicals: Nimbin, Nimbidin Azadirachtin When you compare it to herbs like turmeric and tulsi neem shines because of its special blend of active compounds that offer wide-ranging health perks.

How can we use neem leaves?

Primarily, neem leaves are used to treat neuromuscular pains and Vata disorders. Other benefits include blood purification, toxins removal, ulcers, and insect bites treatment. With anti-bacterial traits, it cures burns, infections, and skin problems fast. It destroys those bacteria that pose infections. It boosts the immune system and contributes to fast healing.

Neem has many incredible medicinal benefits, but one of the most important things is that it kills cancerous cells. Everyone has cancerous cells in their body, but they are normally unorganised. However, if you create certain situations in the body, they will get organised. As long as these cells are loafing around by themselves, it is not an issue. If they all gather in one place and hit it off, it becomes a problem. This is like a shift from petty crime to organised crime. It is a serious problem. If you consume neem every day, it keeps the number of cancerous cells in the body within a certain limit, so that they will not gang up against your system. 

Skin Issues

Neem's antifungal and antibacterial properties make it excellent for treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It purifies the blood and promotes clear, healthy skin.

Combine neem leaves paste with turmeric and apply it on eczema, itching, ringworm, and mild skin issues.


निम्बस्तिक्तः कटुः पाके लघुः शीतोऽग्निवातकृत् ।

ग्राह्यहृद्यो जयेत् पित्तकफमेहज्वरकृमीन् ।।

कुष्ठकासारुचिश्वासहृल्लासश्वयथुव्रणान् ।।

Translation: "Neem is bitter, pungent, light, and cold. It enhances digestive fire and balances Vata. It is beneficial for skin disorders, cough, respiratory issues, and wounds."

Ear Problems

Add honey to the blended neem leaves and a few drops will ease ear boils.

Wound Healing

Make a paste using neem leaves and apply it on insect bites or wounds (do it several times a day until it heals).


ग्राहि प्रवाळं निम्बस्य रक्तपित्तकफकृमीन् ।।

कुष्ठघ्नं वातजननं नेव्ररोगान् विनाशयेत् ।।

तद्वत् पत्रणि निम्बस्य व्रणघ्नानि विशेषतः ।।

Translation: "Neem leaves help in absorbing moisture, balancing Pitta and Kapha, and are effective for skin disorders, eye problems, and wound healing."

Eye Problems

Boil neem leaves, let the water cool down, and use it for washing your eyes to ease redness, irritation, and tiredness.

Get Rid of Dandruff

Boil neem leaves until the water turns green. Once it is cool, use it for washing the hair after shampooing.

Immunity Booster

Crush some neem leaves and have them with a glass of water. It will magically boost your immunity.

Dental Care

Living in India, you must have seen people chewing neem twigs for brushing their teeth. The neem twig is a superb toothbrush that maintains alkaline in the saliva, fights germs, keeps bacteria away, treats swollen gums, and whitens teeth. It also prevents plaque.


शलाका निम्बपत्रस्य कासश्वासविनाशिनी ।

कृमिघ्ना तु वरिष्ठा स्यात् कुष्ठज्वरविनाशिनी ॥

Translation: The bark of neem possesses Krimghna property - it destroys the germs of the oral cavity as well.

Neem Flowers

Delicate and white neem flowers with off-white buds are pretty to eat and therapeutic. Neem flowers have a sweet aroma like jasmine. They are used to treat belching, nausea, anorexia, and intestinal worms.


चक्षुष्यं निम्बपुष्पं च कृमिपित्तविषप्रणुत् ।

वातळं कटुपाकं स्यात् सर्वारोचकनाशनम् ॥

Translation: "Neem flowers are beneficial for the eyes, help in worm infestation, Pitta imbalance, and poisoning, and cure anorexia."

Neem Oil

Neem oil is used to protect other plants. Only 2-3 drops of neem oil may give you wonderful hair, anti-ageing benefits, and help with blackheads.

Neem in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, neem is a well-known herb and a key herb in various traditional remedies. Primarily, neem leaves are used to treat neuromuscular pains and Vata disorders. Other benefits include blood purification, toxin removal, ulcer treatment, and insect bite treatment. Its antibacterial traits cure burns, infections, and skin problems fast.

Usage in Ayurveda

Neem is used for various treatments and applications:

Neem for Abhyanga (Body Massage):

अभ्य‌ङ्गान्नावनात् क्षीरभोजिनः पलितापहम् ।

Translation: "Neem oil is used for body massage, which is soothing and improves mental health."

  • Neem Dhupana (Fumigation): Fumigation by burning neem leaves by adding camphor is used for disinfection and protection from negative vibes and insect bites.

Neem Use in Monsoon

Neem's antibacterial and antifungal properties help prevent infections caused by bacteria and fungi, which are more prevalent in damp conditions.

Neem Water Shower

Boil 20-25 neem leaves along with twigs in 1 litre of water. Allow it to cool to a suitable temperature and bathe with this water.


Neem is a remarkable herb, celebrated for its extensive health benefits and its significance in Ayurveda. Known for its potent antibacterial, antiviral, and immuno-stimulant properties, neem has been used for centuries to enhance health and beauty naturally.

For skin care, neem leaves and saffron oil are effective in treating various conditions such as eczema, acne, and infections due to their antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. A paste of neem leaves with turmeric can alleviate itching and ringworm, while neem oil is excellent for wound healing and as an anti-aging remedy.

Neem also supports dental health. Chewing neem twigs is a traditional practice in India that helps maintain oral hygiene by fighting germs, reducing plaque, and treating swollen gums. Additionally, neem's antimicrobial properties make it a natural solution for maintaining a healthy mouth.

Beyond its topical applications, neem is beneficial for internal health. Consuming neem leaves can boost immunity, detoxify the body, and regulate blood sugar levels. Boiled neem water can be used to wash eyes, easing redness and irritation, and neem flowers are known to aid in treating belching, nausea, and intestinal worms.

Moreover, neem is widely used in gardening as a natural pesticide, protecting plants without harmful chemicals. Its holistic benefits extend to improving digestive health and supporting overall well-being.
Incorporating neem into your daily routine can significantly enhance your health, making it a valuable addition to your natural health and beauty regimen.


FAQ's About Neem

Q1. What are the common uses of neem?

Ans. Neem is used for skin care, dental hygiene, digestive health, and as a natural pesticide.

Q2. Can neem help in treating acne? 

Ans. Yes, neem's antibacterial properties effectively treat acne and prevent breakouts.

Q3. Is neem safe for everyone? 

Ans. Neem is generally safe but should be used with caution. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid neem, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment because excessive consumption of neem will kill sperm cells. In the first four to five months of pregnancy, when the fetus is developing, pregnant women should not have neem. Neem does not cause any damage to the ovaries but it causes excess heat. When a woman has just conceived and there is too much heat in the body, she may lose the fetus. If a woman is planning to conceive, she should not consume neem because there will be excess heat, and the system will treat the baby like a foreign body.



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