The best cow breeds of the world are of Indian origin. Kapila, one of the native breeds of Western India known for its small size and spiritual elegance is considered as the best cow breed. There is a popular belief among the village-folk that Kapila cows have a wise eating habit and capable of avoiding unhealthy food materials either among plants or plant products. Since the food of Kapila breed comprises highly diverse forest flora, including many of the medicinal plants in the wild, the milk produced by these cows naturally possess a high level of medicinal properties and healing abilities. Because of its small stature, Kapila bulls and cows can easily eat small sized grass, plants etc. which is very nutritious. This nutrition naturally passed on to its milk, dung and urine.
• Normalizes Vata, Pitta and doshas. Nourishes the body.
• Improves sperm count and strengthens sexual power.
• Strengthens immune system and vitality.
• Good for voice, eyes and vision.
• Good for building stamina.
• Excellent for glowing skin.
• Excellent for increasing appetite.
Pure Desi KapIla Cow Ghee made from A2 milk from a Gaushala having cows which are free to graze on the farm, the cows bask in the sunshine while free grazing and jump and play in the day, after the calf has had her/his due the milk is taken by hand then boiled over fire wood, then inoculated with curds to make whole curds, the curds is then churned to get butter which is melted on fire wood in a mud container to give you pure desi cow ghee , this is the only ghee which melts below human body temperature, contains no harmful cholesterol and is one of the best known medicines as per Ayurveda science and know to cure many chronic diseases and improve immune and strength.
The Ghee is completely Additives and Preservatives Free.
100% Additives FREE, 100% Preservative FREE, 100% No Added Colours.
India's Best Desi Kapila Cow Hand Churned Bilona Ghee